Kristy Shell (Dalechek) Kristy Shell (Dalechek)

A Month of Giving Thanks

Mr. R is a current client and like all my clients I am thankful he chose me to be his patient advocate. I am not only thankful Mr. R is my client, but I am also thankful for the sacrifice Mr. R gave to our country.

Mr. R was a young coast guard serviceman when 9-11 hit. He spent the first 38 days at ground zero. He then went on to become a New York City Fire Fighter and continued to give to his community until his retirement.

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Kristy Shell (Dalechek) Kristy Shell (Dalechek)

A Month of Giving Thanks

I feel like I say this every year at this time, but it is December, and it is hard to believe the year is almost over. December is also the month Haven Healthcare Advocates launched. I am so proud of the work we have done and the families we have helped. For the next couple of weeks, I would like to take some time to highlight several of our clients from this past year. While I am thankful for each and every one of our clients that gave us the opportunity to advocate on their behalf, I also want to share these stories in hopes that their experience may help another family.

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Kristy Shell (Dalechek) Kristy Shell (Dalechek)

Thank You, I Feel Better Already.

As an independent healthcare advocate what do I hear most often from new clients and families? “Thank you, I feel better already just knowing someone is on my side.”

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