Vicki Gatling, RN
Vicki is a dedicated healthcare professional with over 40 years of diverse nursing experience including intensive care to leading wellness initiatives for aging adults. As a recent Director of Wellness at a leading assisted living facility in CT, she was committed to improving the quality of care of all residents. This included comprehensive assessments, obtaining referrals for needed services and interventions, scheduling family meetings, weekly geriatric psychiatric rounds and advocating for all the residents’ rights.
Vicki’s most recent nursing experience revealed to her how complex the aging process is for individuals. It encompasses every aspect of life and usually involves family members and significant others. The additional complexity of our healthcare system and insurance adds to the uncertainty. This creates an on-going need to help explain and to advocate for those requiring care and support.
Her nursing practice is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for older adults. Empowering older adults through healthcare advocacy and education is central to her nursing practice. Another important focus is helping individuals establish their wellness goals and providing assistance reaching them. Over time, reestablishing these goals may become necessary. Vicki combines clinical expertise with compassionate support to ensure every individual she cares for has an advocate and does not feel alone.
Vicki’s heart of compassion spreads beyond the needs of her patients. She is the Founder and President of Love of Orphans Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Their mission is to offer love and care to orphaned, disabled and impoverished children and youth. For over 15 years, the Foundation has partnered with Hogares Luz y Vida in Bogota, Colombia. Vicki travels to the orphanage in Bogota several times a year with volunteers to care for the children and offer support to the staff.